The Straits Time- Terence Wong (Edit)

press, news and industry

Happy Birthday, Business Times!

Oct 8, 2021

The Business Times celebrates its 45th birthday this month. Having been a loyal reader since 1999, I was happy to do a video testimonial to commemorate this milestone.

Over the years, I have enjoyed scoops by Conrad Raj and Quak Hiang Whai; marvelled at Lee Han Shih for hitting out at government agencies; participated in Wong Wei Kong’s insightful BT Roundtable; shared the same interest in small caps as Ven Sreenivasan; been amused at how R. Sivanithy took special interest in (the lack of) analyst independence; learnt about market trends in Teh Hooi Ling’s ‘Show Me The Money’; and been entertained by Kenneth Lim’s ‘macro themes made simple’ infographics.

To Wei Kong’s credit, he has kept the standards high as BT editor despite the challenges that are faced by newspapers globally. I particularly like the fact that BT has beefed up its opinion pieces with columns like Mark to Market (Ben Paul) and The Level Ground (Leslie Yee). These complement well with Hock Lock Siew, a column which has successfully blurred the lines between journalists and analysts.

I know many non-subscribers do not have access to these premium stories. The good news is that BT is offering it free for all as part of its birthday goodie bag ( Perhaps you can tell why BT has been my daily staple for the past two decades after checking it out.