Aurelian8 Capital Digital Asset Fund

An Absolute Return Fund optimizing returns across the digital asset space including venture investments in Web3 and blockchain as well as medium-term investments in decentralized digital currencies utilizing proprietary trading software and proprietary trading strategies.

Fund Objective: returns above 25% per annum

Diversified Portfolio Allocation: up to 20% into Venture and Private Equity investments in the Digital Asset space which afford greater returns over a longer horizon; 40% into medium-term strategies that generate yield and 40% into shorter-term strategies for opportunistic and speculative gains.

Careful selection of quality digital assets like Bitcoin and Ethereum for medium-term and shorter- term strategies

Macro outlook to forecast trends that affect volatility

Swift response to market conditions

Diversification Benefits to
Traditional Asset Classes

little co-relation to equity and fixed income

Azure Capital Fund Management Singapore Private Debt Fund Singapore Hedge Funds Lyte Fund Dennis Ng

Dennis Ng

General Partner / Portfolio Manager

Dennis has over 30 years of experience in the financial markets. He was the head of forex trading desks for major international banks, where he experienced and profited from numerous black swan events in financial markets.

Dennis is also an experienced portfolio manager of a global macro fund, and has a track record of navigating portfolio risk successfully and turning them into large profits.


Gaston Lian

General Partner / Digital Asset Specialist

Gaston is an experienced coder and certified white hat hacker. He parlayed his technological expertise into assessing cryptocurrency investments.

He developed quantitative and qualitative criteria for assessing investment potential of new digital assets. Gaston has a track record of successful investments based on proprietary systems of capital protection and profit sharing.

At a Glance

Launched in August 2021

Denomination: USD

Minimum Investment: US$350,000

Subscription Frequency: Bi-Monthly

Redemption Frequency: Bi-Monthly

Fund Administrator: Ascent Fund Services (Singapore) Pte Ltd

Custodian: Copper Technologies

Auditor: Cohen & Co

Legal Advisor: BTPLaw LLC

Jersey Legal Counsel: Cary Olsen Jersey LLP

Initial Sales Fee: 3.00% of the Subscription Amount

Management Fee: 2.5% p.a.

Performance Fee: 30.0% with High Water Mark

Key Representative: Terence Wong, Founder and CEO

Portfolio Manager: Dennis Ng

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